By using Freespace Workplace technologies you can save money on your energy management. Freespace expert, Robin Davies, has described how our optimizing real estate solution has been designed to integrate seamlessly into your existing technology eco-system and to assist the transition towards flexible working.

Global Call for Action

As part COP26 the World’s Nations have agreed to accelerate our trajectory towards Net Zero with the collective focus on a wider set of commitments that will form the basis of Global targets over the next several decades. One of the new areas in focus is Real estate, one of the major sources of global carbon emissions with construction and building energy consumption together accounting for over 39% of global CO2 emissions according to the United Nations Environment Program(*).

Opportunity of a Crisis

The Covid pandemic has cause a seismic shift in our way of living and working. Both individuals and organizations are embracing flexible working as a way to reduce the environmental impact of the way we work. Lighting, heating and ventilation account for over 70% of all energy consumption in a typical office with non-renewable fossil fuel produced energy still making up over 30% of all energy being consumed. Flexible working provides organizations with the ability to reduce the number of buildings they occupy as well as the consumption of energy within those buildings.

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