Building, Floor & Workspace Occupancy & Utilization

Use accurate and real-time data to understand your portfolio.

Obtain crucial insights at a portfolio, building, floor and individual space level. Our workplace sensors enable you to understand how many people are in a designated area, the specific workspaces they use and how they use them. To achieve this, we have a range of accurate single-space, wide-area and floor-level sensors. All Freespace sensors are non-optical, using passive infrared or thermal imaging to provide complete assurance of privacy and confidentiality.

Real Estate Management: the comprehensive Guide

Right Size and Right Design your Workplace With Occupancy Metrics.

get the free whitepaper

Make workplace decisions with confidence

Validate space optimization and design decisions.

Understand detailed usage analytics and insights to inform your workplace strategy with out-of-the-box and customizable dashboards. Our platform provides a unique insight into the space types people book, which spaces are occupied and utilized, including peak and average daily occupancy, through to AI-based predictive insights.

Intelligent Space Management

Improve the office experience with less space.

Dynamically stack workspaces to optimize your floor plan and reduce your real estate costs. This enables Workplace Managers to identify average and peak floor occupancy and make recommendations on reducing the overall space. Additionally, where peak occupancy means only a small element of a floor is required, this data can be used to reconfigure the other floors to take the additional capacity and eliminate space wastage.

Benefits of right size and right design.

Reduced real-estate costs

Reduced real-estate costs.

Save millions in real-estate costs by removing unused space

Right space configuration

Right space configuration.

Create the right space types to improve collaboration and productivity

Reduced operational costs

Reduced operational costs.

Less space means less spend on facilities management and utility costs

Take the first step to delivering your workplace journey.

Our integrated technology

Digitize & automate your workplace with Freespace technology.

FAQs and resources.

Are There Any Laws in Place for Space Management?

Are There Any Laws in Place for Space Management?

  • October 15, 2024
  • 4 minutes
    • Blog
    • News & Insights
    • Thought Leadership
Ideal Personality Traits for Hybrid Working

Ideal Personality Traits for Hybrid Working

  • October 15, 2024
  • 4 minutes
    • Blog
    • Hybrid Working
    • News & Insights
How to Determine Occupancy of a Room

How to Determine Occupancy of a Room

  • September 16, 2024
  • 5 minutes
    • Blog
    • News & Insights
    • Sensors & indicators