Following the Covid pandemic, everyone’s primary focus is on three essential aspects: work, health, and safety. So, lets understand the technology that ensures the safety of employees and effective cleaning of workspaces

The demand for cleanliness has increased tenfold since the emergence of Covid-19. And now, with the new Omicron variant, it becomes ever more necessary to abide by workplace safety standards.

Even though the well-being of employees has always been important, the topic of protecting against infection transmission has intensified. 

The rapid innovations are proof most organizations are already adapting and putting in necessary changes to improve workplace hygiene and safety. But are they choosing the right combination of technologies?

The right combination of workplace tech assures employee safety and eases the return-to-office phase. Freespace offers a series of flexible technology solutions for changing circumstances – let us get into the details. 

The SPOT Platform

The SPOT Platform is a versatile, programmable unified micro-location system. Effective for restricting individual workspace availability and can document data on hygiene-related factors. It is an intelligent tagging system for on-demand situational responses.

This tag system permits many uses, versatile enough to meet the essential needs of every organization.

Wondering how? Uses include:  

  • When integrated with sensors, SPOT tags indicate and record a presence at a location. 
  • When integrated with the Employee App, employees can use SPOT tags to record their attendance, checking in to a desk or available workspace. 
  • SPOT tags, when scanned, record and evidence cleaning completion. Informing automated status updates, sent to employees via the Employee App, Cleanreader™ scanner, and feed into analytics. 
  • When integrated with the Space Planner, the SPOT tag system ensures physical distancing, limiting the number of available workspaces within proximity. 
  • SPOT tags are customized as per the end goal or need and reflect brand color schemes. 
  • Workspaces with SPOT tags installed are identifiable against a floorplan and programmed to show as either occupied or unoccupied on digital display screens. 
  • The SPOT Platform is a visible solution to instill employee confidence in office safety measures and bring certainty to the workplace. 

The Employee App

There is an app for everything these days, with everyone using apps day-to-day to complete and simplify tasks, record progress, or even automate their to-do lists. Introducing an Employee App to your organization delivers a platform of opportunity. An Employee App acts as a technical assurance and engagement platform for building and improving staff communication.   

When most employees are concerned about safety, integrating an Employee App into your organization can play an integral part in providing reassurance at scale. Serving various purposes when installed alongside sensors, as follows:  

  • Auto check-in: as employees arrive at their place of work or the workspace they’ve reserved, sensors recognize their arrival from the Employee App and automatically check them in. Avoiding the need to touch surfaces – an essential consideration during the present situation. 
  • Health attestation survey: among other features, the Employee App can help track employee health through surveys. Virtually distributed at scale and daily to monitor whether employees are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • HR systems: now, analyzing people present at the office and people working from home is easier with the Employee App. Working patterns and planned office attendance registering for each employee – feeding real-time data on employee actions into HR systems for effective contact tracing and more.
  • Cleaning solutions: the Employee App provides detailed information on workspace cleaning. Making it easier to track the cleaning history of spaces and assure employees procedures are in place for their safety.
  • SPOT tags for check-in without sensors: the Employee App directly integrates with the SPOT Platform. Users scan the visible tags to check in to a particular desk, avoiding contact to make the process safe and convenient. 

An application like this connects employees with an organization to a great extent. And it makes it easy to manage and keep office attendance within safe levels. Providing an opportunity to deliver hybrid working, automate processes, and provide insights to help bridge gaps and answer questions. 

The Cleanreader™ Scanner

The Cleanreader™ is a ready-to-use pre-configured handheld device for facilities teams and cleaning teams, designed to provide a trail of activities.

Cleaning Audit Tools - Cleanreader Device by Freespace

Which activities? They are:

  • Notifications for daytime cleaning of spaces   
  • Digitally mark the place as clean   
  • Planning end of the day cleaning  

This handheld device makes it convenient to prioritize cleaning due to its ability to track the history of cleaned spaces and rooms. A technology like this makes it easy to improve hygiene standards across workspaces and office locations, automating job lists and enabling real-time cleaning and sanitization. 

The leverage to effortlessly digitize your cleaning operation with the integration of Cleanreader™ scanners makes a compelling case for evidencing workplace hygiene and safety.

Workplace Sensors

One of the most valuable assets to consider for an effective and safe workplace is occupancy sensors. Freespace’s unique patented algorithm provides various workplace insight and automation opportunities.

A sensor can provide insights and unparalleled flexibility to every workplace concerned. The data opportunities acquired with sensors are as follows:  

  • Occupancy: sensors can anonymously detect the presence of any person at a desk, helping to measure the real-time occupancy rate of a floor or building.
  • Humidity: some workplace sensors are built to measure the relative humidity levels within a space. The data then feeds other systems that can improve these levels.
  • Light: the technology used in sensors can monitor the levels of light within a space and help us to understand the impact of lighting on space occupancy and workspace quality.
  • Noise: without capturing personal details, sensors can measure and monitor the noise levels in a particular area. This data informs ensuring noise levels stay within safe limits.
  • Temperature: as with measuring humidity, sensors can also record temperature – in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
  • Carbon Dioxide: sensors built to monitor carbon dioxide levels can ensure effective ventilation management of every room and work area.
  • VOC: sensors can determine and monitor the level of damaging organic compounds in a particular area. These sensors supply insights to inform the measures needed to reduce these levels and assure the safety of employees.
  • Particulates: sensors can also measure and monitor the presence of harmful particulates. Providing insights to help organizations manage and improve office air quality and protect employee health. 

Finding the correct sensor to meet your organization’s requirements is vital – not all sensors are the same. Some serve various data opportunities, and others provide specific insights. Understanding how sensors can help you achieve the best outcome starts with exploring each model and the data insights it can provide. 


Signage is a popular workplace technology to consider. By integrating signage with occupancy sensors, it becomes easier to keep track of floor density and for employees to safely navigate the workplace. Offering real-time visibility leaves no room for doubt.

Signage paves the way for effective communication. From safety matters and hygiene-related factors to company updates and workspace availability. More recently, popular uses for signage in the workplace include the following:

  • Real-time visibility of the socially distanced desks available.
  • Cleaned and reserved desks are displayed.
  • Abides by the social distancing rules and policies.  

Noteworthy features like providing frictionless experiences, 24/7 uptime, and the integration of space management data offer the leverage to effectively address the rising concern of safety. 

A vital benefit to Freespace signage is that it integrates with the Employee App – allowing workspace reservations to be tracked and cross-referenced against the floor or building map shown on signage.

It is a fact that the pandemic has brought change to the way we work, introducing a greater need for futuristic and smarter innovations to keep workforces safe. If you have the right resources, you will be able to bring out the best in your employees, and the future of the workplace will look bright.

It is time to step up your strategies by evolving and combining workplace technology.

For employees, it is the reassurance from their organization that will maximize their return-to-office attendance. Guarantee success by creating spaces that reaffirm corporate values. Because a safe workplace is a sound business.

Get in touch with our workplace technology experts and discuss solutions for your organization today.